About Me

About Me

Why I Started this Blog: 

I’ve always cooked and gardened, but when I found myself a recession statistic, it became a necessity.  It had been years since I was unemployed and I needed something to keep me busy.

Starting a blog also forced me to write down my recipes, which in turn, makes it possible to repeat my favorite ones with the same success.

Because of my terrible family history of heart disease, and my desire to avoid taking statin drugs,  I've chosen to change my diet from vegetarian to vegan.  I've eliminated dairy from my diet (I'm allergic to eggs) in order to keep my cholesterol levels very low.   


  1. Hi there,

    My name is Rachel Rothstein- I am an Animal Advocacy intern at Animal Place, a farm animal sanctuary in Grass Valley, CA. I have a question to ask you about one of our upcoming events and I was wondering if you could email me at Rachel@animalplace.org? Thanks so much!!

  2. Hello,

    Great blog! I was wondering if you'd grant us permission to use your candied yams for an article in our local magazine. It would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me at jose@BLACdetroit.com

  3. Jose, Yes, as long as you name my website as the source and link it...was that an online magazine or a paper one?

  4. Hello! I'd love to use your rattlesnake bean image in a print magazine. Can you please contact me at FCDesigner1@taunton.com? Thanks so much. Lovely blog!
