Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Red Rice Pilaf

I love this red rice.  It’s a handcrafted heirloom rice that has been grown in the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan for thousands of years.  Because the rice is irrigated with mineral rich glacier water, it’s got significant amounts of magnesium and potassium.  It’s high in fiber, has a wonderful nutty flavor and only takes 20 minutes to cook.   I prefer it over brown rice and it makes a very tasty pilaf.   

This is a perfect fall dinner.   The flavors of the mushrooms, cranberries and pecans blend perfectly with the red rice.  I added some peas because I had a few still growing in my garden, but you can add whatever vegetables you have on hand.  You could also use walnuts instead of pecans.  Other dried fruits would be excellent as well.  I think diced dried apricots would be really tasty.  The point is, play around with it but go out and buy some red rice.  You won’t be disappointed. 
If you can’t find it in a natural food store where you live, you can buy it on their website.  www.lotusfoods.com  (FYI - They didn’t pay me to say wonderful things about this rice, I just love it.)
Red Rice Pilaf
Serves 4 - Use organic ingredients whenever possible
1 cup Bhutanese Red Rice
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
10 mushrooms
2 teaspoons dried minced onions
1/3 cup pecans (raw or toasted)
1/4 cup dried cranberries
Put the rice, salt and water into a pot and bring to a boil over a high heat.
Turn the heat down to low and cover the pot.
Cook for 20 minutes or until all the water is absorbed.
Turn off the heat and add any chopped veggies you want and put the cover back on the pot.
(let the veggies steam on top of the rice while you cook the mushrooms)
Clean and slice the mushrooms.
Put a saute pan over a medium heat and add the oil.
Add the mushrooms and saute until the all the liquid they release is cooked off and the mushrooms are browned.  
Turn off the heat.
Add the onion and stir.
Add the rice and veggies
Add the pecans and cranberries and stir.
Serve immediately.

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